IP Signalling of Intruder Alarm System Signals

Traditional single path intruder alarm signalling can easily be negated by blocking or disabling the telephone line used to transmit the signal. This risk historically is overcome by introducing polling to the line to alert the Alarm Monitoring Centre (ARC) to the fact that the signal path has been interrupted or lost. High risk sites may also require a secondary means of sending intruder alarm signals to ensure continuity of signalling in the event that either the primary path is disrupted or disabled by criminals. The introduction of traditional polling, coupled with the provision of a secondary signalling path has proven to be expensive, as a premium has to be paid for the polling element and the secondary signalling device. Intruder alarm signalling communicated using Internet Protocol (IP) devices is becoming more common today and has been accredited by insurers and industry bodies. The benefit over traditional analogue signalling is IP devices operate over your company’s Wide Area Network (WAN). In essence a free and available communication

platform. Remote setting, un-setting and re-setting of the system can still be achieved using IP, as can remote diagnostics and remote servicing, increasing efficiencies and causing less disruption for your staff and to your operational routines. Replacing analogue devices with IP signalling is easier than you think and the cost savings are significant, especially if you are currently paying for dedicated analogue phone lines to communicate security signals. If you are currently using analogue signalling systems Veritas APS can assess your current signalling platforms and produce a business case for you that highlights the significant cost savings and efficiency benefits the changeover to IP

signalling will bring. We will project manage the changeover from start to finish, liaising with your IT, Property and Procurement departments throughout the process to ensure ‘buy-in’ and continuity of service.

More and more companies are now moving to Voice Over Internet Protocol (VOIP) to deliver telephony across an organisation and when this happens analogue lines are removed and traditional intruder alarm signalling can cease at short notice. Ensure you manage this changeover pro-actively and ensure continuity of intruder alarm signalling throughout the process by pro-actively making the change from analogue to IP signalling now.

Contact Veritas APS for an immediate assessment of your alarm signalling platform and to discuss the options available to you to improve efficiencies and save costs.