Robbery Reduction Strategies

Commercial robbery continues to blight the high street today.

The more organised criminals (OCG’s) have moved into more lucrative areas of criminality; CVIT, ATM crime, drug and people trafficking, leaving less organised and more unpredictable criminals as the main offenders of across the counter robbery, with violence becoming more intense and more common. The target group for these offences is becoming wider with the emergence of Pawnbrokers, Cheque Cashers and more Bookmakers on our high street creating a greater number of reasonable targets for criminals.

Veritas APS Consultants have many years experience in managing across the counter robbery and have produced numerous robbery reduction strategies and post robbery action plans. If you are faced with a new robbery threat, or wish to re-evaluate your current robbery reduction policies and procedures, contact us and we can help you produce robust and effective robbery reduction strategies that are proven to be effective against today’s offender typologies.