Security Risk Assessments

The initial assessment and continual evaluation of security risks

is essential to ensure duty of care responsibilities are met at all times. Effective counter measures can only be introduced once current and emerging risks have been identified and their impact evaluated. Veritas APS Consultants have a wide experience of creating, compiling and completing security risk assessments for a number of threats across a variety of different industries.

To fully establish the threats, weaknesses and opportunities at each location assessed, the Veritas APS Security Risk Assessment Model utilises a number of information gathering sources; including law enforcement data, social media and locally sourced information in addition to the physical security and behavioural disciplines in place.

Contact Veritas APS if your organisation wants to establish a programme of security risk assessment, is facing a new threat, expanding into new territories, or acquiring new businesses and we can help you to ensure you are protecting your assets with the most efficient and appropriate processes and equipment. 

Veritas APS can evaluate the threats your organisation faces and design a tested and proven template for your organisation to use to effectively undertake security risk assessments at your locations and control identified risks in an informed way. We can provide guidance in situational crime prevention techniques and of course complete the assessments for you if required.