Event, Protest and Demonstration Impact Assessments

Not all events and demonstrations have a violent impact on your organisation, large scale events such as the London 2012 Olympics provide unique challenges to your businesses capability to maintain ‘business as usual’ throughout the period. During any planned major event, protest or demonstration infrastructure resilience is the key factor that ensures your people can get to and from work, the systems are operating when they get there and your supply chain is maintained. It 

is imperative that you maintain control of your organisations infrastructure resilience during these events through robust contingency planning and that you are informed and consistently updated on infrastructure issues that you cannot control, transportation for example. Veritas APS Consultants can produce impact risk assessments for you to evaluate the extent of disruption your organisation will suffer and help you produce robust strategies to ensure you maintain your critical

services and supply chain throughout any disruptive event. If your organisation is likely to be targeted during events where more violent demonstrations occur (G8, May Day, EDL rallies, etc.) Veritas APS Consultants can complete impact risk assessments to assess your current ability to deal with possible site incursion and provide strategies to manage this threat, including liaison with specialist police departments.