If your organisation does not have a dedicated security team Veritas APS can provide you with a full security outsource solution. The solution is all encompassing, managing your security operational requirements through the devising, development and implementation of security policies, procedures and strategies along with full contractor management to manage all security services and importantly the cost of deploying those services. We can work with your current supply chain, or being totally independent, we can search widely across the security arena to provide true benchmarking capability and the best possible choice in terms of the solution and the price. Veritas APS are confident that if you outsource your company’s security requirements to us we will deliver an improved service at a lower annual spend.

Benefits of the Veritas APS Organisational Security Management Service:

  • Veritas APS work with you to identify current and emerging security risks, analyse those threats and the potential impact they have on your business. After the evaluation process each threat is given a risk rating that will determine any process improvement and additional security equipment required. Once completed the resulting document becomes your unique Security Risk Profile and is used as the basis for your ongoing Security Risk Assessment Programme.
  • The core of the Security Risk Profile is security convergence theory, which we use to identify security risks and their interdependencies between different functions and processes within an organisation. Once these have been recognised, solutions can be developed that effectively address those risks and interdependencies, creating a contemporary fully integrated security solution.
  • Your Security Risk Profile is not a one-time document; Veritas APS will continuously and consistently re-visit and update the profile to ensure your security policies and strategies keeps pace with changes in criminal behaviour and your own organisational changes. Additionally, Veritas APS will continuously monitor technology developments in the security market place to ensure your Security Profile is always ‘fit for purpose’.
  • The Organisational Security management Service includes identifying operational efficiency improvement opportunities, system enhancement and integration advantages and through these efficiencies, coupled with robust contractor management, we will reduce your annual security spend.
  • Veritas APS will manage all your security contracts and services, implementing robust Service Level Agreements with all suppliers to ensure routine maintenance visits are carried out, schedules of rates are adhered to at all times and any invoices presented will be checked for accuracy and that the work was both required and completed before payment is authorised.

For more information on our Organisational Security Management Service please use the Contact page to get in touch with us and one of our Consultants will contact you to book an appointment to come and see you to discuss the operational and cost benefits your organisation will receive by outsourcing your company’s security requirements to Veritas APS.